Monday, 10 November 2008

ISSN awarded

You may have noticed the ISSN appearing in the top right-hand corner of the screen. I just had confirmation form a very friendly contact at the National Library of Australia that I am allowed to continue to use the existing ISSN here in Australia. I always derive a sense of excitement when an ISSN is awarded. It denotes official approval of one's efforts. Good stuff.


Anonymous said...

Is this like the ISBN? I'm not familiar with this. Please forgive my stupid question.

Dave Barber

editor said...

Yes, Dave. ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number and is the magazine/serial equivalent of the ISBN.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sir and thanks for posting my poem on Ancient Heart Magazine. It's been a long time and I appreciate the opportunity to write poetry for you again.


editor said...

That's fine, Dave. It's good to have you on board again. Cheers!