Saturday, 9 May 2015

Blessed Blackbird

in all earnest honesty,
the blackbird flitters over my roof
it has built nests on the outskirts
of my chimney, bathing in plumes
of silken ash and clouds that long to taste the earth;
it mocks me with glinting eyes

with vast wings and hollow lungs,
the blackberd perches on cacti,
oblivious of the sting of the pricks,
the scorn of the thorns
in the presence of a storm,
it defies all social norm
and rests its weary head
on the lush bed of the purple-blooded

I stuck my arm out the window,
vulnerable and defenseless
in hardly any second, 
I felt its harsh claws
plunge into my paltry skin
I remained a statue,
a human scarecrow
for the next five days.

Patricia P.
Manila, Philippines

1 comment:

donalmahoney said...

Patrica P.,

A wonderful poem.

Hope to see more of your on this site and others.

Donal Mahoney